Responding with Grace and Love to Covid-19
Coronavirus is a pressure extremely relevant in all of our lives right now, and something that is causing a lot of anxiety and uncertainty across the world.
But, what would it look like if we knew, and lived out, the biblical truth that God ‘comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God.’ (2 Corinthians 1:4).
My church at home talked about this in their service on Sunday morning, and it struck me as so relevant to the current situation. Ultimately, when we are aware of the (sometimes unexplainable!) peace we receive through fully trusting in a God far bigger than our circumstances, we are able to love others much more effectively!
We are called to love our friends, family, neighbours, and even our enemies, in the same way Jesus loves us! More so than ever, we have the opportunity to share the love and hope we know, with a world so desperate for it.
Here are some tips on what that might look like practically:
Volunteer for the NHS
The NHS are currently appealing for 250,000 volunteers- if you’re up for having a chat with someone vulnerable, and self-isolating alone, or you’re able to transport medical equipment and prescriptions in your local area, sign up!
Use social media to offer your skills and experiences
Do you specialise in a certain subject area? Offer to help out families who are teaching their kids at home. Play an instrument? Give out free, online lessons. Parents, or carers who have found a successful way to keep your children entertained at home? Share it! **
One of my lovely friends has been uploading a video of her singing every single day- can confirm, it’s bought a lot of joy! For inspiration of how you can bring people a lil’ bit of happiness in the next few months, check out her You Tube channel (an unsubtle plug, apologies!)
** Please do all of this from the comfort of your own home- one of the best ways we can love well at this point in time, is to not spread the virus!
Stay connected
Loneliness was already a big enough issue, without Coronavirus getting involved- so let’s stop this! Write letters (and post them on your once-a-day, out-of-the-house exercise!), facetime your friends, call your elderly/vulnerable relatives.
Let’s use this as an opportunity to learn creative ways to stay in touch with people, that we can continue doing once everything looks a little bit more normal again!
Figure out how to do life well with the people you’re self-isolating with!
You’re going to be spending a lot of time with the people you live with during this time, and whilst that looks different for everyone, that might be something that your household is finding particularly tricky. Have honest conversations with one another about what that looks like for you. Learn how to respond to one another in a loving and understanding way. Figure out a way to find space to yourself when tensions get a bit too much.
I know it’s not always as easy as this for everybody- but maybe start by having a chat, and setting some ground rules, about living together during all of this!
Educate yourself
If social distancing has meant that you have more time on your hands, use it wisely! Why not use this time to educate yourself on economic, environmental, and social issues? Watch Ted talks, listen to podcasts, read books- learn more about the world we live in, and begin considering ways we can overcome, and raise awareness of national, and world-wide problems.
We believe in a God who brings peace, and healing to really difficult situations. Whilst Coronavirus is something super complicated, remain focused on a God who brings a hope greater than this!
Use this time to create new rhythms of prayer, to reset your focus on relationship with God, and to declare peace and healing over a world in such need of it.
Stay safe, stay inside x